Tuesday 19 December 2017

WWE Smackdown Result (19-12-2017)

WWE SmackDown Results - Clash Fallout, Six-Man Main Event, Women's Royal Rumble Hype, Dolph Ziggler

The Usos vs. Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable
We go to the ring and out first come SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos for this non-title match. Greg Hamilton does the introductions as Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable are out next.
Gable starts off with Jimmy Uso and they go at it. Jey Uso tags in for a double team in the corner. Jey with a big shot to Gable to stun him. Jey with more offense on Gable, whipping him hard into the corner. Jey with a few more shots before tagging in Jimmy. Jimmy keeps control until Gable retreats to the floor for a breather. We go to commercial with The Usos standing tall.
Back from the break and Jimmy goes at it with Shelton. Jimmy drops Shelton with a big kick. Jey gets the tag and unloads on Shelton but in comes Gable. Jey catches Gable in a Samoan Drop after a second attempt. Jey with the running splash in the corner. Shelton gets sent to the floor. Jimmy runs the ropes for a dive but Shelton jumps up and meets him with a knee. Back and forth in the ring leads to Jey hitting Gable with a superkick. Jey goes to the top but Shelton runs up and meets him on the top.
Jey sends Shelton to the mat. Uso goes for the big splash on Gable but he gets the knees up. Jimmy breaks a 2 count by Gable up. Gable blocks a superkick and drops Jimmy on his neck with a big German suplex. Shelton with another big knee strike to Jey. Gable with another rolling German on Jey. Shelton comes in and lifts Jey as Gable goes to the top for the big double team and the non-title win.
Winners: Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable
After the match, Gable and Benjamin stand tall as their music hits. We go to replays.
Ruby Riott and Sarah Logan vs. Charlotte Flair and Naomi
Back from the break and Sarah Logan is going at it with Flair. Logan drops Flair and covers for a 2 count. Riott tags in and goes to work on Flair, also talking some trash to Naomi. Riott focuses on Flair's leg as Liv Morgan watches from ringside. Logan tags back in and keeps Flair near their corner, focusing on the leg.
Riott tags back in and kicks the leg. Riott with more offense and a counter to Flair. Logan tags back in and slams Flair's knee hard into the mat. Flair blocks another knee slam but Logan stops her from tagging. Naomi gets the tag and comes in with a bunch of right hands to Logan. Naomi drops Riott off the apron next. Logan comes from behind and rolls Naomi up for a 1 count. Naomi with a scorpion kick on Logan. Naomi comes flying with another big kick for a 2 count as Riott breaks the pin.
Flair comes in and takes out Riott with a big boot. Logan and Naomi go at it. Logan with a headbutt. Liv gets on the apron but Naomi moves, leading to Logan spearing Liv off the apron. This leads to Naomi getting the pin on Logan for the win.
Winners: Naomi and Charlotte Flair
-The New Day are backstage dressed in Christmas costumes. Big E is an elf, Xavier Woods is a reindeer and Kofi Kingston appears to be a gingerbread man. They're handing out gifts and pancakes. They also plug their new Christmas t-shirts. Rusev, dressed as Santa Claus, and Aiden English, dressed as a snowman, appear next. Rusev says nobody wants their Christmas t-shirts but he's here to give the world what they want. He pulls a Rusev Day t-shirt out of his Santa sack. Rusev goes on about everyone being on the only list there is - the naughty list. English then sings about Rusev Day. This leads to tension between the two sides and it looks like we have a match for later.
-Back from the break and out comes new WWE United States Champion Dolph Ziggler for his celebration. His music starts but quickly cuts off and he heads to the ring with no music.
Ziggler brags on how he told us so. He says people said him winning the title was impossible but they must not have been watching for the past 12 years. He goes on about how he's the best and how this is his second United States Title reign. He shows us video from his first US Title win in 2011, then we see stills from the title win on Sunday, defeating champion Baron Corbin and Bobby Roode in a Triple Threat. Ziggler says he's just getting started. He shows us footage from his 5 WWE Intercontinental Title wins - 2010, 2014, 2014, 2014 and 2016. Ziggler says he's not even done. He knows there's some kind of accolade he's forgetting off the top of his head. He brags on winning Money In the Bank and cashing in successfully to become World Heavyweight Champion. We see video of his 2012 Money In the Bank win and then the 2013 World Heavyweight Title win. Ziggler says he's one of the most decorated Superstars in WWE history and night after night, year after year, he proved it to himself and the rest of the world but year after year he goes unappreciated.
Ziggler says the fans are not worthy of his presence, none of them are. Fans boo. Ziggler says the fans don't deserve him. He stares at the title and says if you want something to remember him by... Ziggler looks back at the title and lays it on the mat. Ziggler walks out of the ring and leaves the title laying on the mat. It appears Ziggler has just relinquished the title. Ziggler walks straight to the back. The camera shows the title laying in the ring.
-Daniel Bryan is backstage on the phone when Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens walk in. They thank him and give him a bottle of champagne. Sami says Bryan did the right thing for them and for their legions of fans. Bryan says he didn't do it for them or their fans, he did it for all of SmackDown. And he doesn't drink. Bryan hands the bottle back to Owens. Owens brings up Randy Orton and Orton's history with Bryan when he was battling The Authority. Sami says Shane McMahon is trying to do the same thing to them that Orton did to Bryan, tear his spirit down. Owens says Bryan got the last laugh on Orton at Clash of Champions and they got the last laugh on Shane. Bryan says they are unbelievable and if they don't wipe the smiles off their faces, he might have to fire them himself. Bryan tells them to go get ready for tonight's match.
The New Day vs. Rusev and Aiden English
Back from the break and out comes The New Day. Rusev and Aiden English are out next.
Fans chant Rusev Day as we get the bell. All Superstars are still dressed in their Christmas costumes for the match. Kofi Kingston starts with English but shows up Rusev and English to avoid a double team. Rusev Claus tries to catch Kofi but can't. Rusev chases Kofi around the ring and gets frustrated. English comes in but Kofi dropkicks him. The New Day stand tall in the ring. Kofi slides Rusev's Santa sack into the ring. They start tossing t-shirts to the crowd.
Rusev and English return to the ring to drop The New Day from behind. Rusev and English talk some trash as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and we get a "we want pancakes" chant from the crowd. Rusev floors Kofi with a big clothesline for a 2 count. Woods reaches for a tag as Big E watches from the floor. Rusev with more offense. Kofi finally turns it around with a big DDT. Fans try to rally for The New Day now.
Woods gets the hot tag and unloads as English also tags in. Woods with a dropkick to the back of the neck against the middle rope. English runs into a big boot in the corner. English blocks the Honor Roll and nails a big spinebuster for a 2 count as Kofi breaks the pin. Rusev comes in and sends Kofi to the floor. Aiden and Rusev stand tall in the ring now. English goes out and Rusev follows. They start taking apart the announce table as fans cheer. Rusev and English take the plate of pancakes and put a bunch of whip cream on them. They go in the Santa sack and bring out a jar of cherries. They place just one cherry on the pancakes. English goes to put Woods' face in the pancakes but Woods resists. Kofi comes flying off the top and takes Rusev down on the floor. English gets double teamed and sent face first into the pancakes with a Flapjack.
Woods rolls English back into the ring and drops him. Woods goes to the top rope and nails a big flying elbow drop for the pin. Tom says The New Day has saved Christmas.
Winners: The New Day
Jinder Mahal, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn vs. AJ Styles, Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura
Back from the break and out first comes Randy Orton for tonight's main event. Shinsuke Nakamura is out next, followed by WWE Champion AJ Styles. The Singh Brothers are out next to introduce Jinder Mahal. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens are out last. We go to commercial as the two sides face off before the bell.
Back from the break and Jinder starts the match with Orton. Orton ducks a lock-up attempt and knocks the other 2 off the apron. Orton goes at it with Jinder but Owens and Sami hit the ring for a brawl. Nakamura and Styles also hit the ring to even the odds. Everyone goes to the floor to continue the brawl. Nakamura sends Sami into the barrier. Orton goes at it with Jinder and slams him on top of the announce table.
Orton brings Jinder back into the ring and beats him into the corner. Orton keeps control but Jinder blocks the RKO. Orton drops Jinder and covers for a 2 count. Nakamura tags in and keeps up the attack on Jinder but Jinder rams him back into the corner. Sami tags in for a bit of double teaming. Sami works on Nakamura's arm now. Nakamura turns it around and takes Sami down by his arm. Nakamura keeps control and pulls some of Sami's chest hair out. Nakamura with a counter and a knee, then a knee drop to Sami. They go to the corner and in comes Styles. Sami looks to turn it around on Styles but Styles takes him down with a scissors. Styles goes back to the corner and in comes Orton. Orton causes Sami to bounce hard from the ropes to the mat. Orton with a 2 count. Jinder tags back in and goes at it with Orton now.
Jinder drops Orton with an elbow and stands tall with a fist in the air. Jinder drops a knee and tags in Owens for a quick double team. Owens drops Orton with a right hand and stomps away, talking trash. Owens pounds on Orton some more as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Owens has control of Orton as Styles and Nakamura reach for tags. Orton ends up sending Owens shoulder-first into the ring post. Styles tags in to a pop. He unloads on Owens but Jinder opens the ropes to cause Styles to fall out of the ring to the floor. Owens goes to the floor and keeps control to bring AJ back into the ring. Owens with a senton for a 2 count.
Owens puts a knee to AJ's throat against the ropes now. Sami tags in and works AJ over as fans chant for the WWE Champion. Sami drops AJ again for a pin attempt. Jinder tags back in and stomps on AJ as Sami keeps him down. Jinder with more offense until AJ turns it around and makes a go for the tag. Nakamura gets the hot tag as does Sami. Nakamura drops Sami with a big kick to the mouth. Owens comes in but Nakamura takes him out. Nakamura drops Jinder off the apron next. Nakamura unloads on Sami with kicks while he's on his knees now. Nakamura drives big knees into Sami now. Nakamura puts a boot to the throat for some Good Vibrations in the corner. Fans chant for Nakamura as he keeps control of Sami in the corner. Nakamura with a big knee and a 2 count.
Sami ducks a kick but Nakamura nails the next kick for a close 2 count. Sami blocks the reverse exploder suplex but Nakamura ends up dropping Sami for the armbar. Sami resists. Owens breaks the hold. Orton sends Owens to the floor. Jinder drops Orton with a DDT. Styles drops Jinder with a pele kick. Styles leaps out of the ring and drops Owens on the floor with a big forearm. Nakamura looks to put Sami away but The Singh Brothers hit the apron to drop Nakamura with a shot to the back of the neck. The referee ejects The Singh Brothers from ringside.
Orton takes The Singh Brothers out with the RKO to send them packing. AJ goes for the Phenomenal Forearm on Owens in the ring, receiving an assist from Orton as he pushes Styles into the move. Nakamura ends up hitting a Kinshasa on Sami as Orton watches from a few feet away. Nakamura covers Sami for the pin.
Winners: Shinsuke Nakamura, Randy Orton and AJ Styles
-After the match, Nakamura's music hits as the babyfaces stand tall. We go to replays. Orton, Styles and Nakamura all pose as fans cheer them on. We get more replays of the finish. SmackDown goes off the air with the winners celebrating.

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